You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2015.

That black blob near the middle of this pic is our English Shepherd boy.  He just turned 2 this month and it is so, so nice to be slowly making our way out of the puppy stage.  Phew!  That was a lot of work.  He’s maturing more and more every day, he’s growing much calmer and more controllable around the livestock, even the chickens.  We have baby ducklings coming this spring, so he’ll be able to add that to his resume.  This picture captures how I find him most of the time when I’m out back clearing out the brush.  He sits down in front of me and scans back and forth, back and forth.  I like to think he’s got my best interests in mind and that he’s standing guard over me in case danger is lurking nearby. That may very well be the case, but even if he’s not, he sure looks like he’s taking his job seriously, whatever it may be.

This little guy was still wet when I found him this morning. Mom has been in our sheep tractor with two of our other sheep clearing another section of our property out back for about a week now. We have moved mom and baby back to the barn to join the other 4 babies and their mothers.