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We have 6 children ranging in age from 17 down to 3. I’m at my typical “newly pregnant” point that I usually reach when my baby isn’t a baby anymore. But it’s not my turn this time. We got the results back from the lab for the bovine milk pregnancy tests we submitted earlier in the week, and BOTH our cows are pregnant! I’m so excited and relieved to know the bull can now go back home. He’s been super easy having him here, but he’s a huge animal, and I have little kids, so I will feel better when he’s headed out of the driveway. The bull we used is an Angus, very calm and mellow, and he’s supposed to throw small calves which will be great for our little Jersey girls. He doesn’t have a name, so we’ve affectionately refer to him as “the bull.” He truly has not made a wrong move in the six weeks he’s been here. Buh-bye Bull.

Here’s a picture of the frosty bull (left) with our 3 year old Jersey, Molly (middle), and our 18 month old steer (right).  That bull is a big boy.

Heres’s a picture of the bull resting with the crew, he’s heads above the rest.

​Lastly, comparison of the size of his head, easily double the size of our yearling steer. Impressive!