These cute little mares came to live with us back on May 16 from Kentucky.  They’ve settled in nicely, both have very sweet temperaments, which is sometimes hard to find in a pony.  The little black mare has some appaloosa spots on her lips and under her tail.  She is 8 years old, and her name is Sissy.  The paint is 4 years old, and her name is Pippy.  Both these ladies are broke to ride, so we’re just putting some more miles on them for now and we’ll see where that takes us.  Tessa enjoys feeding them dandelions, brushing them, leading them around, as well as riding them.  So far they’ve done great with the cattle, haven’t turned them in with the piglets yet.  Please forgive Tessa’s wardrobe, she is in her pajamas for most of these pictures (homeschool uniform).  Sissy standing to get groomed.  Pippy out in the front yard.The ponies are both doing great out on pasture.  We moved them onto more and more grass over time to watch them for any signs of founder.  We were told by the previous owner that neither had foundered before, thankfully.  Right now they’re staying at a good weight with 24 hour access to grass.  Pippy really enjoys carrots for a treat, Sissy is kind of indifferent to treats. 

Sissy out in the front yard

Late spring here, so Sissy is still a little furry.

You wouldn’t think these little things could rank up in the pecking order above the cows twice their size, but that is exactly what has happened.  Generally the ponies choose to graze in an entirely separate area from the cows when they’re pastured together.  Birds of a feather and all that.

It has been very interesting to find tack to fit properly.  Here Pippy is sporting a 3 inch snaffle bit, and a 22 inch girth over a 19 inch saddle pad. 

Tessa is still riding on a lunge line until we can convince daddy to buy us a round pen.  If anyone needs to find a new home for their old round pen, let me know!

Pippy is seriously so precious, really quiet, very fun to have here.  She’s been around bikes and scooters and dogs and chickens and dirtbikes and power washers.  Nothing seems to phase her.